We are Chinese massage therapiest, offering traditional tui-na massage to sports massage, and full body swedish massage as well.


Open 7 days a week, between 10am until 8:30pm, ready to offer you the best relaxing or deep tissue massage you ever had!


Relaxing and calm environment, secure and private place where you will enjoy quality massage service.





Massage Rates

Opening Hour (10am - 8:30pm)

60mins (recommended) £55


Relaxing Massage

30/60mins  £30/£55


Deep Tissue Massage

30/60mins £35/£60




Body Massage

Body massage consist of you lying face down, and I massage your whole body from head to toe.

This will help your body circulation, and make sure relax and feel 1000% better afterwards.

Deep Tissue  Massage

This is strongly pressed massage treatment. You will let me know where your body needs special attention. I can get rid of any knots in your back. Your muscle needs loosening and I will sort that out for you also.

Chinese Acupressure Massage

Acupressure is a massage therapy technique based on the theories of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that uses finger pressure to mobilize chi — or life force energy — at specific spots on the body called acupressure points, which are also known as acupuncture points or acupoints (from Google)


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Forever Health Spa Massage | 162 Station Road, Addlestone. KT15 2BD | For Booking: 01932 830 157